Thank you for faithfully giving into the kingdom of God as expressed through the vision of Encounter Church
Ways To Give Online
We believe in giving out of conviction and not out of compulsion
Tithing is our tangible way of bringing to God that which belongs to Him, anyway. It’s our obedient response to His clear command to bring the first fruits of our income into the storehouse. God’s promise is that our obedience brings us divine protection. We don’t tithe to “get” – we tithe to obey. Tithe simply means ‘a tenth’, but it’s not about how much you give, it’s about the heart you give it out of.
What about offerings?
Offerings are our free-will giving, over and above the tithe. God speaks about the principles of sowing and reaping, and free-will offerings, in every area of our lives, and this includes our finances. Please prayerfully, intentionally and responsibly consider the offerings you give – according to your personal conviction and to the measure of your relationship with God. We don’t advise people to go into debt to give offerings, but this is between you and God.
What happens either way?
We don’t differentiate in our care for anyone based on giving. Giving is a personal matter between you and God. We will continue to love and support every person who wants to be part of our church, without regard to whether they give, or not, and how much they give.