


Join us every Sunday at 10AM + 6PM



Generosity is our privilege because Jesus first generous towards us.

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  • Encounter Auckland: ASB 12 3043 0278567 01

    Please use your full name as reference.

  • You can give via cash during all our main services. If you’d like us to keep track of your giving and provide a giving receipt at the end of the year you can put your cash into one of the envelopes available at the Info Desk along with your name so we can keep a record.

Encounter Auckland : ASB 12 3043 0278567 01


Youth & Young Adults

We are Encounter Youth and Young Adults, a movement of everyday young people who are living for the cause of Jesus Christ. We are shaping culture by being inclusive, authentic & generous. We are young and leading our generation into who God has called us to be.
To do this, we have weekly gatherings on Friday nights (11-18yrs), Sunday mornings (11-14yrs) and in small groups (Young Adults 18+) throughout the week.



“Family isn’t an important thing, it is everything”.
Our heart is to support families to grow - knowing, loving and serving God. We are growing a community of thriving families who are equipped to walk in faith, hope and love.

Our children’s ministries are not baby-sitting, it is leadership development. We’re not playing games and passing time, we’re intentionally building next generation leaders. Dreamers, Heroes and Legends are spaces designed to instill purpose, identity and the love of God into the heart of every child. 


Community Reach

We love to serve the people and families of our community in as many ways as we can. We partner with food banks, support community networks, help with job training and parenting courses. We also run multiple events throughout the year to provide fun family friendly events for everyone.

Brent & Patricia Douglas

Prophet Brent & Patricia Douglas have been the senior pastors of Encounter Church for more than 30 years. They have been married for 40+ years and have five children and a growing number of grandchildren. 

Together they lead Encounter Church in Auckland, and provide pastoral oversight to our church plants in Bream Bay and Levin. They both have a strong desire to see people experience dynamic encounters with the Holy Spirit, discover their giftings and be inspired to rise to the call of God for their lives.

Pastor Brent has travelled extensively, nationally and internationally, releasing the power of the Holy Spirit to bring renewal to churches. His ministry has been characterised by strong prophetic flows and has resulted in him now being internationally recognised as an apostle and prophet.

Love God
Love People
Love Life

Our Leaders


Beresford & Tracy Kirkley

Beresford and Tracy are amazing encouragers! They carry a prophetic heart and love to see people released into the potential that God has for them. They are involved at Encounter on a governance level and also support our families and business leaders.


Chris & Melissa Runciman 
Children and Families

Chris and Melissa carry great vision and hope for families in our nation to grow in God. They always bring fresh perspective
on what it really means to lay great foundations for the lifelong relationships our tamariki (children) build with Jesus. Their constant and enthusiastic prayer and support makes a huge impact on the families here at Encounter.

Joel & Bridie Patchett
Youth & Young Adults Pastors

Joel & Bridie have a heart for our rangitahi (younger generation) to know who God is and who He made them to be. They consistently encourage our youth & young adults to go after God’s promises and truth and to be strong thinkers, feelers and doers who make a difference wherever they go!

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Murray McEwing 
Adults Connection
Murray and his wife, Gael, have been at Encounter for over 40 years and now have the joy of seeing some of their grandchildren grow up here too. Murray’s heart is to see people connect with God deeply as they discover their purpose and journey through a life that is being continually refined and transformed by the power of Jesus.


Jerome & Ema Marsters

Jerome and Ema have a heart for people to find fullness in God. They know how to love well and are beautiful examples of hospitality and whānau. The time they put into running and overseeing family Connect Groups in our church is so valuable as we work towards growing future leaders and building true community. They also run the Alpha course - supporting people to lay strong foundations for a Christian life.


Noa & Melissa Yalomatua

Melissa and Noa carry a passion for connecting with our wider Avondale community. Their love is seen and felt as they head up a lot of our outreach events and collaborations with organisations in the area. Melissa and Noa also contribute so much to our music team and the day-to-day operations here at Encounter.


Kiran & Ruby George

Kiran and Ruby are always putting their hands up to serve, pray and believe for breakthrough. They lead by example in knowing deeply that there is always more in God and that His goodness overflows! They are great to connect with and serve alongside as they care for people in real and practical ways.


Connect with us

We would love you to help you get connected into the life of Encounter. Please let us knwo how we can help!